
It can be useful to programmatically set up a pagetree site for testing purposes. If you have custom pageblocks that rely on JavaScript for essential functionality, you won’t be able to test that code with django’s built-in testing features. You can use Selenium with Behave or Lettuce to do this kind of testing. This page shows how to mock a version of your pagetree site in code. It can then be used for Selenium tests or for Django-style unittests.

Here’s an example of a factory that you can put alongside factory_boy factories:

from pagetree.tests.factories import HierarchyFactory

class CustomPagetreeModuleFactory(object):
    def __init__(self):
        hierarchy = HierarchyFactory(name='main', base_url='/pages/')
        root = hierarchy.get_root()
            'label': 'Welcome to the Intro Page',
            'slug': 'intro',
            'children': [
                    'label': 'Step 1',
                    'slug': 'step-1',
                    'pageblocks': [{
                        'block_type': 'Text Block'
                    'label': 'Step 2',
                    'slug': 'step-2',
                    'pageblocks': [{
                        'block_type': 'My Block Name'

        self.root = root

To instantiate a custom pageblock in this way, you set block_type to the custom pageblock’s display_name property.

Then, if you’re writing a behave test, you can call this factory in environment.py:

def before_all(context):

And navigate the hierarchy in the feature file:

Feature: Navigate the pagetree hierarchy
  Scenario: Access custom block on Step 2
    When I visit "/pages/"
    Then I see the text "Welcome to the Intro Page"

    When I click the next button
    Then I see the text "Step 1"

    When I click the next button
    Then I see the text "Step 2"
    Then I see the text "My Block Name"