Custom PageblocksΒΆ

You might want to define custom pageblock types specific to your application.

It’s possible to define a custom pageblock from scratch by defining a model with all the necessary hooks and a GenericRelation to django-pagetree’s PageBlock class. For convenience, django-pagetree provides BasePageBlock that contains the basics you’ll need for making a custom pageblock.

Here’s an example of a custom pageblock:

from django import forms
from pagetree.generic.models import BasePageBlock

class MyBlock(BasePageBlock):
    display_name = 'My Block Name'
    template_file = 'main/my_block.html'
    css_template_file = 'main/my_block.css'
    js_template_file = 'main/my_block.js'

    def add_form():
        return MyBlockForm()

    def edit_form(self):
        return MyBlockForm(instance=self)

    def create(request):
        form = MyBlockForm(request.POST)

    def create_from_dict(cls, d):
        return cls.objects.create(**d)

    def edit(self, vals, files):
        form = MyBlockForm(data=vals, files=files, instance=self)
        if form.is_valid():

class MyBlockForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyBlock
        fields = '__all__'

Here’s a list of methods and properties you can override in your BasePageBlock subclass: